Pizza Party
Pizza Lucé on Saturday Night
Gail Hughes and Bill Thomas
Louy Diracles and Mary Ann Nord
Mike Anderson and Barb Pengelly
Pam Carlson, Kea van der Ziel and Karen Hegener
Phyllis Hanson and Mary Ann Nord
Mark Brandow brought his awesome antique MG to the party. Lots of admirers among us!
Mark, Drew Stirrat, Don Sharp, Gail Hughes and Mike Anderson. Mike, Gail and Mark all served in the Peace Corps after graduation.
Katie Sandt and hubby Ken McCullough
Gayle Thompson and Gail Hughes
Gail Hughes, Katie, Kea van der Ziel
Sandy Sharp, Mary Ann Nord, Don Sharp
Don Sharp and Pat West
Ginny, Katie, Jim, Barb, Terry and Mary Ann
Nick Speliopolous (Carol Oberg's hubby), Barb Prestly, Ken McCullough and Jim Herrmann
Peter Van Wazer, Terry Carlson and Bill Thomas
Gayle Thompson and Katie Sandt
Ernie Maulsby and Barb Subak
Drew Stirrat and Mary Ann Nord
Katie, Ken and Karen Hegener
Louy and hubby Kramer Klabau
Norm Miller and wife, Carol
Carol Oberg and hubby, Nick