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•   John R. Anderson  10/16
•   Ginny Bayers (Herzog)  10/15
•   Betsy J. Cook (Hoekstra)  9/29
•   Mark Brandow  9/28
•   Carol L. Oberg (Speliopoulos)  9/27
•   Gail F. Hughes  9/25
•   Bruce L. Johnson  9/21
•   Cynthia Morris (Riebe)  9/20
•   Martin B. Thiede  9/14
•   Nancy L. Nelson (Reynolds)  8/3
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•   Kathy A. Gallagher (Woertendyke)  2020
•   Frank G, Lushine  2024
•   Bonnie L. Erickson (Menke)  1995
•   Greg A. Larson  2024
•   Michael O. Wilkinson  2021
•   Josephine Shipway (Stahly)  2024
•   Theodore E. Waldon 
•   James S. (Jim) Seck  2014
•   David G. Marquardt  2023
•   N. Torrey Waag  2024
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

19 live in Arizona
28 live in California
15 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
17 live in Florida
7 live in Georgia
4 live in Idaho
5 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
2 live in Iowa
4 live in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
4 live in Massachusetts
4 live in Michigan
196 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
6 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
3 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
4 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
1 lives in Tennessee
8 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
3 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
13 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Alberta
1 lives in Switzerland
40 location unknown
121 are deceased


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 59.2%

A:   274   Joined
B:   189   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Edina High School
Class of 1964

Photos are now up from our 60th Reunion. 

What's next for our class?
There was buzz at the reunion about when we might get together again. Maybe to celebrate our 80th birthdays in 2026?? In the meantime, hopefully, small, casual get-togethers in the daytime will help to keep our class connected. We had several of these, locally, until Covid hit. They were always well attended with about a dozen people. The Arizona group's regular gatherings puts us to shame! I will post a survey soon to get the ball rolling. 

Can't log on?? Forgot your password? 
Don't despair. It happens to all of us at some time or other. Yes, even to your admin. wink We are 76 this year, after all (YIKES!!). If you are having trouble logging in, use the "forgot password" link to reset your password. Go to our home page and click on "Forgot Password?" in the gray Log In box in the upper right corner. This will allow you to reset the lost password without the assistance of the admin.

If that doesn't work, just click on Contact Us and the admin will do a temporary reset of your password so you can log in and change it to one that you can remember. 

Have you moved or changed any of your contact information?
If so, please update your profile by going to Member Functions > Edit Profile or Contact Us so we can do it for you. 

Check out the Class Chatter page!

This page is a terrific way to stay in touch with what's going on around the website all from one convenient location. Think of it as a central hub for all information passing through our website. You can post content, photos and videos directly on the page. You can also respond to all existing site activity from the Class Chatter page.

To add a photo to a comment to Class Chatter in a string of postings...
1. Click on the symbol in the lower right corner.

2. Select the photo file.
3. Click on Post Comment

Your admin-in-chief -- Ginny

Check out the Forum link

We're giving new life to this overlooked section of our website. Forum is where classmates may introduce a topic of discussion or pose a question and invite an exchange of comments and opinions. Photos may also be posted to illustrate the subjects. The first topic, posted a couple of years ago, shone a light on the subject of Our Teachers -- a collection of reminiscenses about some of our most memorable faculty. On a more serious note, Bruce Bomier recently submitted his reflections on the Vietnam War, triggered by a return trip to the country where he served in the army 45 years ago. You won't want to miss it.

How to use Forum

Forum is a little different from other sections of the website: You must subscribe -- that is, you must set up the conditions under which you wish to be notified of new topics and comments as they are posted. You may ask to be notified of all New Topics, in which case you will receive only the initial topic posting. If you wish to follow the discussions as they unfold, you may ask to receive all comments in the discussion thread. Simply follow the prompts in the Forum link to set up your preferences.

We hope this new feature will stimulate a lively exchange of ideas, opinions and insights on a variety of subjects. Why not take the time to learn what your classmates are pondering?


Need Help Adding a Photo?

Here are some simple instructions to follow to add photos to your profile or on Class Chatter. 

Your profile page
1. Log in with your password.
2. Go to your profile.
3. Click onto the green button "Add Photo" in the post box. 

4. Select the photo file.
5. Click on Post Comment 


Planning a classmate get-together? Let us know. 

Get-togethers is the place for news of small-group gatherings in your area. Whether you want to issue an open invitation to other classmates or post a photo of fun times shared, just click on Contact Us in the menu bar at left, tell us about your event/outing and we’ll post the details. You’re in charge of the planning; we’ll help you spread the word. Whatever you plan, don’t forget to take pictures. The rest of us want to see what you’re up to!