A. Charles (Chuck) Bredesen III, age 58, a member of the Edina City Council in the 1970s and 1980s, died peacefully on March 25, 2004 after a courageous battle with brain cancer.
Chuck loved his life and the people in it - his genuine compassion and unique sense of humor brightened so many days and his amazing spirit will live on forever.
After attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison for three years, he graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor's degree in psychology in 1968. Medical problems kept him from military service during the draft for the Vietnam War, said his wife, Katie, of Edina.
Chuck enjoyed spending time in Naples, FL, golfing with his friends in Ireland and he was forever fond of his college years in Madison, WI.
He was proud of his 8 year tenure on the Edina's City Council and of his career as a health care consultant, as well as youth hockey and baseball teams he coached. But above all, Chuck adored his family. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Katie, and his 3 sons Matthew, Mark and Bill, his mother, Marjorie, and his sisters, Susan and Sandra.
Cindy Lyn Viken (Brinkworth)
I didn't know Chuck, I don't think I ever even spoke to him, nor him to me. I do know that he had a great personality and I always thought he could sell ice to an Eskimo. Such a loss for someone so young and so talented.
Margie S. Tudor (Thompson)
Chuck and I were friends beginning in 1951 at Woodale School. I enjoyed catching up with him and remembering fun times from the past, at our 25th reunion. His too early passing is a terrible loss to everyone.
Mark Brandow
I remember seeing that Chuck was elected Mayor of Edina. He had followed in his father's footsteps! The next time I saw anything in the paper was his obituary. His service to the community was cut short-too sad!
Jean L. MacIntosh (Mankamyer)
What a great guy he was...a born politician. I was sad to hear he had died so soon.
Katie Sandt (McCullough)
Published on March 26, 2004
Mary Ann Nord
I have many fond memories of my childhood friend and neighbor Chuck, his parents and sisters. For starters, Chuck was the only boy at my fifth birthday party. We all wore party hats, of course, but his was the only little bowler hat in the bunch. He bore the humiliation gallantly, with a solemnity befitting the occasion — a moment captured for all time in our Nord home movies.
Chuck, Sue and Sam — Mary Ann, Marcia and John — we sets of siblings were just some of the kids who grew up together on Maple Road, running in and out of each other’s houses, playing “draw, draw the frying pan” late into the summer evenings, daring each other to throw a ball into the yard of a disapproving neighbor. So fluid were the boundaries between our two homes that, bright and early one morning, my little brother — eager to start another day of play — let himself into the Bredesen house (no locking the doors in those days!) and fixed himself a bowl of cereal at their kitchen table, waiting for the late-rising Bredesens to appear.
After Chuck died, his widow, Katie, his sister Sam and I gathered for a viewing of the many Nord home movies featuring the Bredesen kids. There was much laughter shared that day — and more than a few tears.
Richard E. (Ric) Hinkie
Chuck was interested in elective office even in High School. I was priviledged to be his friend and campaign manager when he ran for senior class president (Grant Hawthorne If I remember correctly, won). His sense of humor and his desire to reach out to everyone endeared him to everyone that knew him. He was a co-sonspiritor as part of the roving bridge game during school days and a fellow member of the elete Horny-ettes (a group of dancing male cross dressers that is best forgotton, although there is a pix in the yearbook). These are affiliations and accomplishments that were not part of his obit. I hope he is smiling at us all.
Karen Kiki Mitchell (Nelson)
Chuck and Katie were neighbors of ours in Edina Highlands in the early 70s. We had young kids and enjoyed many fun hours together as the kids played. Thinking of and praying for you, Katie!