Betty K. Garrison Louisiana
Residing In | Rockport, TX USA |
Spouse/Partner | Robert Louisiana |
Occupation | retired |
Children | Bill Mathews born 1968 |
Betty K.'s Latest Interactions
not only a classmate but a neighbor...I also remember his folks and the service sad to hear this news...
Hi Kitty !! I still have pics from the wild country overnite party you had back in early 1960's. Hope all is great with you...
wow, this is sad... I grew up with Ernie on Garrison Lane.. he was a heck of a survivor..He survived polio at a very young age...always a very nice person and we had lots of fun down on our old dirt road area..
Happy Birthday Sue !! best of all wishes to you... enjoy retirement
Happy Birthday Sue !! ( tomorrow ) haha your 18 days older than me !!!
I was in Minnesota last weekend for a whirlwind trip. Nancy Kelly ( Miller ) came to see me at my friends home in Shakopee. We had a grand reunion and shared memories of our childhood. She calls me FEARLESS but she is the fearless one raising 4 children and
educating all them. Hope there are more memories to come.